Splink 1:


Grab a water bottle and while the kids are watching, add a tablespoon of dirt to it. Ask, Would you like a drink of this water? Why or why not?

Christians are called to be pure, to be holy. What does it mean to be pure? (Clean; not contaminated; not polluted; etc.)

David prayed after he sinned, “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10).

We want to keep out the wrong thoughts that can pollute our minds. Wrong ideas, pictures, TV shows, and movies, things that stir up our sinful desires can pollute our minds.

Read God’s truth in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8.

Parents, the average age that boys first see pornography is between 8 and 11 (www.focusonthefamily.com).

Say Psalm 51:10 as a bed time prayer this week.


Splink 2:

Where Are You Headed?

While driving in the car, ask:
What do you think would happen if we followed this car in front of us? Where would we end up? (We would end up wherever that car is going.) 

It is smart to know who we are following because they could lead us somewhere we don’t want to go. If we follow friends who are doing wrong, they could lead us in a wrong way (and we could get in trouble). When we follow Jesus (and friends who also follow Jesus), we can know He will lead us in the right way.

plink 3:

Plan your Mother’s Day’s celebration for Sunday. (If you are a mom reading this, forward this to your kids or hubby. Being thankful is as good for kids as it is for moms.)

Brainstorm things that kids are thankful for about their mom. (What are you glad that Mom helps you do? What does Mom do for you in the kitchen? What does she do for you in the laundry room? Etc.)

Pass out post-it notes and ask them to write one “thank you” on each note. (Thank you for washing my clothes. Thank you for making my dinner. Thank you for reading to me. Etc.) Keep these hidden until Sunday morning. While Mom is eating her breakfast in bed, turn the kids loose and have them stick the notes in the appropriate places. (Thank you for doing my laundry on the washing machine. Thank you for tucking me in on their bed. Etc.) Hopefully, she will find them all during the next week and feel appreciated!



The post Splink | Biblical Purity appeared first on D6 Family.

Source: Splink