On the nursery wall directly across from where I sit to feed Nathan hangs this verse:

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.” – Jeremiah 1:5

This framed verse was a shower gift from a sweet friend. It’s beautiful. I love looking at it and read it multiple times a day. I often meditate on its significance especially because of who God made Nathan to be.

As his mother I am probably the one who knows him best, yet there is Someone who knows him even better. Someone who knew him even before He formed his little body. Before a single stand of DNA was strung together. Before the short arm of the fifth chromosome was broken exactly in the spot that it was. Before we even knew that we would be having another biological child. Before all that, God dreamed up the idea of Nathan. In spite of all his imperfections–imperfections as I am tempted to describe them and as the world would define him–God made him perfectly imperfect.

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