Hey parents! We’ve got a series coming up with a BIG opportunity to speak truth in students’ lives to help them navigate the world in a very specific area – relationships and sex. This series is NOT an encouragement to date or a sex education class. This series is a chance to help build up some Biblical foundations in 6th, 7th, and 8th graders lives in a pivotal area of life that can have huge impact on their future. Despite their track or grade, your students have been walking the halls of their schools for at least a month and no doubt they realize how different it is from elementary school. We are equipping you earlier with the whole series and even some extra resources so you can see what we are teaching and even (if you choose) go over this information at home with your student.

Series Topic: Moral Boundaries
Series Overview: The point of this series is two-fold. First, we want to open up conversation. Sometimes in small group we can just talk about what is easy, surface level kinda stuff. And that is fine, but hopefully small groups are also a place we can get real and talk about real life that come up in life. The second point is to see what wisdom we can gain from God & His Word when it comes to attraction, relationships, and sex.Everyone else is talking about it on tv, at school, etc. but the thing is NONE of those people created attraction, relationships, or sex – God did that! So why wouldn’t we want to take more of our advice from the one who created these things? You might not be thinking about sex much at all right now, but this series is still for you. Why? The more we know and understand about God’s word and how it applies to every area of our life, the better off we will be.

Wk 1: Let’s Talk About Sex (Oct 14/15)
Main Scriptures: Genesis 2:24
Main Point: Sex is good and sex is powerful, so respect it.
Wk 1 The Talk Leader Guide
Video password: msmleader
Video Teaching:

Teaching_Video_1_TheTalk_XP3MS from Hope HSM on Vimeo.

Wk 2: Let’s Talk About Technology (Oct 21/22)
Main Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Main Point: What happens online doesn’t stay online.
The Talk Wk2 Leader Guide
Video password: msmleader
Video Teaching:

Teaching_Video_2_TheTalk_XP3MS from Hope HSM on Vimeo.


Wk 3: Let’s Talk About Pornography (Oct 28/29)
Main Scriptures: 1 John 1:5-10
Main Point: What happens in secret can cause separation.
The Talk Wk 3 Leader Guide
Video password: msmleader
Video Teaching:

Teaching_Video_3_TheTalk_XP3MS from Hope HSM on Vimeo.

IS IT TOO EARLY TO TALK ABOUT PORN? Did you know the average age of exposure to porn is 8-11 years old? 80% of this happens within the home. 

Wk 4: Let’s Talk About Boundaries (Nov 4/5)
Main Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Main Point: Guardrails and accountability protect you.
The Talk Wk 4 Leader Guide
Video Password: msmleader
Video Teaching:

Teaching_Video_4_TheTalk_XP3MS from Hope HSM on Vimeo.

Even more resources:

The Novus Project has alot of great information and age by age guides on how to talk to your children about sex

(We are not teaching on homosexuality in this series, but we know your students may bring up questions. Pastor and author Sam Allberry was interviewed by Mike at Hope a few years ago and we highly recommend his book: Is God Anti-Gay?)

Parent Cue – The Talk