It was about 3:00 in the afternoon and the school bus had just arrived. I ran outside in my sandals, without a jacket. After all, it’s spring. The only reason I didn’t run back inside after stepping out the door was the fact that the school bus driver had seen me and opened the door. Shivering, I ran to the bus.

It reminded me of this little cutie, expressing his disappointment at the weather.  We all wish the seasons would just cooperate with our expectations,  not be extreme, and not last longer (or shorter) than we want! But they do what they want. And we get to choose how to respond. This winter, I got many opportunities to choose my attitude to winter (I’m definitely a warm weather girl), and I got to make this choice for far longer than I wanted!

This is my birthday month. It’s one of three times each year that I stop to look back and look forward. I haven’t done my assessment yet this year, but I know one thing: Some of what I’d hoped to have done by this age, I haven’t yet done. The season of preparing and thinking and figuring things has lasted longer than I had planned. Before I could start to obsess on missed goals, my loving Father used my son to remind me of what I really believe about seasons.

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