
Play choices. Stand in the middle of the room and tell the kids you will give them two choices. They will go and stand on the side of the room to indicate their choices.

(If you like _______, go the left side, pointing to the left. If you like ________, go the right side, pointing to the right.)

Some choices to get you started:

  • pepperoni or cheese pizza
  • chocolate or vanilla ice cream
  • playing video games or board games
  • riding your bike or cleaning your room
  • vacation at beach or the mountains
  • singing or drawing
  • math or history

Some choices in life don’t really matter—like if you eat chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Many choices do matter. King Solomon asked God for wisdom to make good choices so he could guide God’s people. We need God’s wisdom to make good choices.


Yes or No

Items Needed: two index cards for each child; pencil

Help each child write YES on one card and NO on the other. Help them to think about the choices they make. For one whole day, ask them to use the cards to answer (no words) when you ask them to do something—remembering that they are saying YES or NO to God.

God is in charge of the universe, but He gives each person a free will—each one can choose whether to say YES or NO to God.

When Solomon first became king, He made the choice to follow God’s way just as his father, King David had. God knows what is right for us—it is always best to go His way!


Don’t Be Tricked

Go to this website and look at some of the optical illusions posted there.

Did your eyes trick you?

Sometimes we are confused or can be tricked to make bad choices. Things are not always as they look and we need help to decide between right and wrong.

How can we find help to make good choices? (Ask parents or teachers; look in the Bible; learn from wrong choices; etc.)

We can’t always rely on how we feel because our feelings can trick us (just as our eyes were tricked by these optical illusions). We must make decisions based on the truth of the Bible.

The post Splink | Choosing God’s Way appeared first on D6 Family.

Source: Splink