Have you ever been heartbroken at the extra pain and the struggles your child is facing? I get it.
Doing everything you can for your child, wanting to be able to do more. The helplessness, the weariness from always pushing, always looking, always being on.

Viktor Frankl survived four concentration camps in the Holocaust and developed his own system of psychotherapy. At the core of his therapy, he felt people were searching for meaning. More than six million Jews died during the Holocaust. Viktor believed that those who survived seemed to have a meaning and purpose in their lives. They had some goal that was beckoning them, something they wanted to do, some project they wanted to finish. It may have been as basic as living so others outside the camp would know the atrocities that were happening.

While I don’t agree with Frankl on many things, I do agree that we are searching for meaning. When we see our children struggling, it creates an incongruity in our hearts as we try to find meaning and purpose in what they are going through.

When we were in the worst of it, I would have struggled to personally share how there was meaning and purpose in this journey of disability. I could give the church answer that God is using this to bring glory to Him, through my response and how I treated my family. Though this is true, beyond that, I couldn’t understand what other purpose there could be in this journey.

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Source: Special Needs Parenting- Key Ministry