Have you ever planted a fruit tree? I’ve always wanted to but never have gotten around to it. I have done a little research, though. Do you know if you plant a two-year-old apple tree, it could take another five years to bear fruit? Pear trees can take another six years and cherry trees up to seven years. That’s a lot of tending and watering in hopes you’ll reap the reward of some sweet fruit. But as any fruit lover will tell you, it is so worth it!

I’ve been trying to grow a different kind of fruit in my home for, oh, about 18 years. Yes, 18 years. I have three kids, all teenagers now, and my husband and I have been tending and watering in hopes of reaping the fruit of thankfulness. It’s a slow process but, believing in the importance of a thankful heart, we press on.

To help cultivate thankfulness in our home, we create a “Thankful Tree” in November for Thanksgiving.  It’s not complicated or even that crafty. And it honestly doesn’t take that much time.

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