Note: We’re doing a 4-week Advent (challenge) to center on Jesus. Learn more and join us here.

Christmas crunch time has arrived. In fact, I’m a little shocked you’re reading this because I figured everyone would be busy with events and travel and last-minute errands. But here you are, so let’s talk. I want us to make it our mission during these last few days before Christmas to prepare our minds and hearts for our Savior. We’re going to do a daily exercise from now until Christmas. It’ll take maybe five minutes, so even the busiest person can squeeze it in. Here’s what we’ll do:

Step 1: Write (or type on your phone) everything that’s weighing on your heart and mind. This is a blitz, so do it fast and don’t linger too long on any particular worry or task.

Step 2: Picture yourself bringing your list to Jesus and laying it down in front of him. Then picture taking a step back from the list. You’re surrendering your list to him. Walk away, friend. Walk away.

Step 3: Now that you’ve lightened your load considerably, take a deep breath and invite Jesus to be your focus for the next several days. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, and wait on him to speak to you or touch your heart with his presence.

–REPEAT: At the start or end of each day, go through the same quick exercise.

One more thing: let’s make a commitment now to set an intention to make Jesus our focus for 2017.

>> Up next: Join us for an unexpected New Year’s 6-week challenge to kickstart 2017! Sign up today.

Source: My Life Tree