Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!

Parents- This week we encourage you to: 

  1. Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
  2. Use the Discussion Questions (see below) immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
  3. Use the Full Parent Guide and activity pages (linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion.

CLICK HERE for this week’s video teaching

Activity Pages: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child

Modified Curriculum


  • Mark 5: 39-42


Who was Jairus? (a leader in the synagogue and father to a dying girl, Mark 5:22-23)

How long had the older woman been suffering with her sickness? (12 years, Mark 5:25)

How did the people outside Jairus’ house react when Jesus said the girl wasn’t dead? (They laughed. They had no faith; Mark 5:39-40)

What can we do if someone we know is sick or hurting? Guide your child to think about ways to show love to others who are going through difficult circumstances. Help them see that praying for others is the strongest tool we have against hard times. Remind them that Jesus doesn’t promise our lives will be easy or pain free, but we can trust Him to always do what is right.

How can we show our faith in Jesus? Help your child brainstorm ways to share their faith with others by giving God credit when they succeed, talking about what they learn in church, or telling others about the ways Jesus has helped them overcome difficult times.

How can we glorify God if someone we love isn’t healed when we ask God to heal them? Guide your child to see that our hope is not in physical healing but in the restoration of the world that will come when Jesus returns. Help them see that people who have faith in Jesus will live eternally with God, no matter what hard times they go through now.

Jesus healed a woman and raised a girl from the dead. Jesus has power over sickness and death. When we have faith, Jesus raises us to new life in Him and heals us from the damage sin causes.


Discuss the following questions about this week’s teaching.

  • What does this story teach me about God? 
  • What does this story teach me about myself? 
  • Who can I tell about this story?


We encourage you to take time to pray as a family.