What We’re Learning: Gameplan
God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others.
Series Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10

How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR play our online game and watch live with us Sunday at 10:35am on our MSM Facebook Page. We also have the original small group material here if you’d prefer that format.

Special Needs Families:
Special Needs Guide

Wk 3: July 26

  • Main Point: Love inspires us to act.
  • Main Scripture: Isaiah 1:17

Create meaningful conversation with your student(s). Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.

  1. What’s your least favorite household chore?
  2. I hate doing some of those chores, too! And it’s really not fun when I have a checklist of chores I need to take care of.
    1. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about checklists?
    2. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about serving?
    3. What’s one thing about following God that feels like an item on a checklist?

    READ ISAIAH 1:17 and answer the following questions:

    1. Why is it important for people who follow God to care about the things He cares about?
    2. How do you think God feels when we care about the people and things He cares about?
    3. Why do you think God invites us to be part of caring for people in need rather than fixing their situation on His own?

    7. What’s one thing in your life that might get in the way of acting when you see a need?

Set a goal for yourself: What’s one thing you could do to care about what God cares about and serve those He wants you to serve this week?

Ask your student(s) to share their prayer requests and close your time together in prayer.