What We’re Learning: You Belong Here
Series Main Scripture: Zephaniah 3:17
Series Overview: What the rest of the world thinks about you does not matter in comparison to what God thinks about you. The Bible says that God thinks some incredible things about you, including that God delights in you and gives you a place to belong.

How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
WE HAVE A NEW TIME AND PLATFORM: 6:45pm on our HopeMSM YouTube Account. This will be followed by Zoom Small Groups, email us at msm@gethope.net to get pre-registered for a Small Group.
Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR play our online game and watch live with us Sunday at 6:45pm.

Special Needs Families:
Modified Special Needs Guide

Wk 3: Sept 5 & 6 – THEY Belong Here

Create meaningful conversation with your student(s). Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.

  1. JUST FOR FUN: If you could pick between either free Oreos, free Doritos, or free Skittles for life, what would you pick?
  2. READ ROMANS 10:13-15 and answer the following questions:
  3. WHO is Jesus’ salvation for, just church-goers?
  4. HOW can others hear about Jesus’ love for them?
  5. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel inviting friends who don’t go to church to MSM?
  6. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel about sharing with others how you feel about Jesus?
  7. On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel about sharing with others what Jesus has done for them?
  8. What fears hold you back from inviting or sharing Jesus with others you know don’t go to church?
  9. Who can share a story about sharing Jesus with others? What did you do and how did that go?
  10. READ Romans 8:37 and answer the following questions: about others Him? 10. WHO in your life can you share Jesus’ love with that doesn’t already know or understand Jesus’ love?
  11. What does this verse say we are given through Jesus?
  12. How can we trust Jesus to be with us when we share about others Him?
  13. WHO in your life can you share Jesus’ love with that doesn’t already know or understand Jesus’ love?

Level 1: Do something KIND for ONE PERSON and PRAY for them every day this week.
Level 2: INVITE them to church/MSM to sit with you/your family.
Level 3: TELL them how you feel about Jesus and what Jesus has
students and the Holy Spirit guide done to save them the conversation, too.
Level 4: Do all 3 for 3 different people!
Parents, what level can you encourage and cheer on your student to reaching other?

Ask your student(s) to share their prayer requests and close your time together in prayer.  Pray God will give you BOLDNESS and FAVOR as you take action steps to share His love with others!