Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!

Parents- This week we encourage you to: 

    1. Watch the video (linked below) with your child.
    2. Use the discussion questions immediately following the video to unpack the lesson with your child!
    3. Use the Activity/GodTime pages (linked below) to generate more activities and discussion opportunities.

CLICK HERE for this week’s video teaching

GodTime: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child.

Modified Curriculum


Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God’s creativity.

Memory Verse: “LORD, you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are.” Psalm 145:3 (NIrV)

Life App: Creativity—Imagining what you could do because you’re made in God’s image.

  • How does working with others make YOU more creative?
  • When have you had to show some extreme creativity to solve a problem?
  • What could happen if we don’t work together?
  • When is it hard to work with others? What can you do when that happens?
  • What are some rules we should always follow when working with others


We encourage you to take time to together pray as a family.