One year ago when we sat down to talk through lessons and saw the upcoming presidential election, we knew the potential for our culture to elevate heated debates and decided to take one week to specifically talk about how God calls us to love everyone, even people we disagree with.

How do I lead my student through this lesson at home?
MSM goes live 6:45pm on our HopeMSM YouTube Account.
This will be followed by Zoom Small Groups, click here to get pre-registered for a Small Group. If your student is unable to attend a small group then grab a Bible, watch the video together while it’s live or after, and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like

Special Needs Families:
Click here for this week’s modified guide

Stand Alone Lesson for the weekend of Nov 1, 2020:
What We’re Learning: Disagree ≠ Hate

Main Scripture: Romans 12:17-21
Main Point: You can disagree with someone and still love them.
Secondary Point: God created and loves other people, even those who disagree with you.
Gospel Moment: Jesus loved and died for us while we were still messed up sinners.


  1. What are some common reactions people have when someone is mean to them?
  2. Why do people sometimes feel that when someone disagrees with them they hate them or need to fight about it?
  3. READ ROMANS 12:17-21. As you read, have students make two
    different lists on a poster board:
  4. What are these verses telling us to do?
  5. What are these verses telling us NOT to do?
  6. Discuss the following questions together:
  7. Let’s first look at the “To Do” list – why can it be hard to do these things?
  8. Second, let’s look at the “Not To Do” list – why can it be hard to NOT do these things?
  9. If we are all honest, we’ve probably all done something on the “Not To Do” list. Me included. It’s ok, good even, to acknowledge our sin. Once we acknowledge it, what should we do with it? (Should we keep beating ourselves up over and over with it or ask God for His forgiveness? What difference will that choice make in our lives?)
  10.  Once we receive God’s forgiveness, for this or any sin, what should be our next step? (Should we just keep on doing the same sins or ask God for His help to live in His ways? What difference will that choice make in our lives?)
  11. What are different ways we can show love and try to live in peace with people who disagree with us?
  12.  Think: Who is someone that I disagree with or have a hard time getting along with. Get that person in your mind, but don’t share names. Now let’s go around the circle and each share one way we could show love to that person this week.

This week, do one kind thing to show love to the person who you identified you have a hard time getting along with. They may or may not react kindly to you – that is ok. Be kind to them anyway.

God, please help us to show love and kindness to everyone, especially those who disagree with us or hurt our feelings. We need your supernatural strength, love, peace and patience to do this. Forgive us where we have returned evil with evil and help us all to live in a way where we conquer evil with God. Please be with our nation and help build bridges where people are divided on issues. We love you! Amen.