Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
- Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together
- Discussion Questions for you & your student
- Pre-Teen Guide for your student to go a little deeper on his/her own
- Salvation Conversation Guide for one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the know” with each other. Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/
Got a question? E-mail us at kidcity@gethope.net
Online Experience Video
Access this week’s video – CLICK HERE*
*The new video for the upcoming week will be loaded by Wednesday of each week.
For parents
Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:
Monthly Virtue:Faith—Trusting in what you can’t see because of what you can see.
Memory Verse: Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV)
Week 1: June 4
Bible Story: I’m a Believer (Paul Becomes a Believer) • Acts 9:1-9
Key Question: What do you know about Jesus?
Bottom Line: Knowing Jesus changes how you see things.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can love God, love others, and love life.
Ask the following questions and lead the group to discuss:
- A follower of Jesus sees things differently than someone who doesn’t have faith in or know Jesus. What are some ways that might show up in the following areas?
- Money
- People
- Sickness or death
- Time
- Creation
- Happiness
- Bible
- What do you know about Jesus?
- What is something you’ve heard others say about Jesus but you’re not sure if it’s true or not?
- When you have questions about Jesus, where can you go to find answers? Who can you talk to?
Week 2: June 11
Bible Story: I Can See Clearly Now (Ananias Helps Paul) • Acts 9:10-31
Key Question: When have you faced a fear?
Bottom Line: God can help you face your fears.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can love God, love others, and love life.
Ask the following questions and lead the group to discuss:
- Do you think fear can be a good thing? Explain.
- What is one fear you wish you didn’t have? How might God help you face that fear?
- If someone is scared or nervous, does that mean they don’t have faith?
- What are some things you know about God that can help you face your fears?
- How can the following characteristics of God change how you view your fears?
- God is all powerful.
- God loves us no matter what.
- God is always with us.
- God has a plan for every person ever born.
- God hears our prayers.
- God’s story of love for all humankind is seen through the Bible.
Week 3: June 18
Bible Story: Walk Right In (Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius) • Acts 10
Key Question: When have you changed your mind about someone?
Bottom Line: God can change the way you see others.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can love God, love others, and love life.
Ask the following questions and lead the group to discuss:
- Why should those who know Jesus see others differently than those who don’t?
- Why do you think it’s hard to accept or love people who are different from us?
- When you think back on the past few days, was there a time when you treated someone better because you believe God made them and loves them—even though they are different from you in some way? What’s one way you could live that out this next week?
Week 4: June 25
Bible Story: Jailbreak (An Angel Helps Peter Escape from Prison) • Acts 12:1-19
Key Question: What does it feel like to be stuck?
Bottom Line: God is with you even when you feel stuck.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can trust God to guide me
What You Say:
“Dear God, thank You that You are with us even when we feel stuck. Thank You that even when we feel stuck, You are NEVER stuck! You are ALWAYS with us! We love You SO much, God. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
For students
Pre-teen Devotional
The Pre-Teen Learner Guide is designed to provide Bible Study throughout the week for your 4th or 5th grader.
Sermon Notes discussion guide (for students who watch the adult service, too!)