*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Christian Today. According to a recent study by the Barna Group, two-thirds of adults (65 percent) think cohabitation before marriage is good, compared to one-third (35 percent) who disagree. However, religious groups are the least likely to consider cohabitation a good idea. In its report,…

  Splink 1: A Gift…Just for You Buy a small gift for each child (favorite candy; small toy; gift card for fast food or ice cream; favorite treat; etc.) and put it in a gift box or bag. Give each child the small gift. What did you have to do to get the gift? (Receive…

A thought-provoking post popped up in my Facebook news feed yesterday that was brutally honest, gutsy, and representative of what most people think but never say out loud. . . and that’s why it’s worth pondering. Erin McClain is one of my young Facebook friends and the college-aged daughter of a pair of our youth…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Using the best available evidence on the impact of physical activity on children and young people, researchers find that time taken away from lessons for physical activity is time well spent and does not come at the cost of getting good grades. The statement…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. A new study finds that parents who are too involved with their college-age kids could indirectly lead to issues such as depression and anxiety. “Helicopter parents are parents who are overly involved,” said Florida State University doctoral candidate Kayla Reed. “They mean everything with good intentions, but it…

Just kidding about that last part, but they could change a lot of things about how you talk about faith. If your house is anything like mine, the bath time and bedtime routine can often turn into a soul-sucking vortex of blood, sweat, and tears. All evening long, I feel like I’m herding cats. But…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on USA Today. Family doctors should screen teens for suicide risks in the wake of new information that shows suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens, an American Academy of Pediatrics report said Monday. In the report, the academy provides pediatricians with guidelines on how to…

I’m the first to admit it. We’re quirky. We have family meatloaf challenges and think finding a good parking spot is a competitive sport. The name Bob makes us laugh (I’m not exactly sure why but I laugh anyway). We make up names for each other, i.e. The Hair Monster (you know who you are),…

  Splink 1: Do Your Part Stage a little competition to see how long family members can keep a balloon in the air (without it touching the ground). Give each family member a balloon. Blow up and tie each balloon. Time them to see who can keep it in the air longest. Then pair up…

Have you ever felt like your kids aren’t listening to what you say? Do you sometimes struggle with finding time to talk with your kids about something more than what time they need to be wherever they need to be and how they need to clean their room before they go? I have. And this…

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