*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on StudyFinds. Think you spend a lot of time staring at your computer screen? A new survey may surprise even the most screen-addicted tech user. Researchers say over the span of one’s life, the average adult will spend not months, not years, but decades gazing at their…

Sarah Anderson Parents Just Want to Keep Kids Safe If you have ever read any kind of parenting blog, book or resource, you are probably familiar with the term “helicopter parent.” It’s the parenting style that thrives on hovering over the children, paying attention to any sense of discomfort, unhappiness, emotional distress and then taking care of…

Holly Crawshaw Thanks to Covid-19, most of us have been spending more time at home than ever before. I’m a mom to three girls, and if your house is anything like mine has been lately, you’ve also added “Professional Referee” to the top of your parent-job description. My girls will fight over anything. Whose popsicle…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on StudyFinds. What day is it again? If you’ve been feeling like all days blur together lately, you’re definitely not alone. As millions of Americans continue to spend 24 hours per day at home during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s become worryingly common for people to…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on EurekAlert. Young children go on to achieve more academic success when their verbal skills are enhanced, a new study suggests. The study, by researchers at the University of York, looked at why children from wealthier and well-educated family backgrounds tend to do better at school….

Many of us are being asked, “How has social distancing and the quarantine impacted you?” For us, we had numerous ministry speaking opportunities and travel canceled. Meetings have gone from in person to Zoom. Church is now by Zoom. Additionally, this pandemic has affected us in our personal lives, in that we must remain very…

Carey Nieuwhof If you’re really going to help your kids value determination, you’re going to be swimming against the cultural tide.  When it’s easy to quit, easy to change and there are a thousand other options at our fingertips, sticking it out to the very end is just difficult no matter how old you are….

Do you ever wake up and not want to get up? Do you ever lose your motivation and drive? Stay awake at night too late just vegging or zoning out? Snap at your spouse and everyone around you? We go about our day-to-day lives, caring for our kids, spouses, and selves handling what needs to…

My world changed August 25, 2017. God used a hurricane to alter my five-year plan and to recalibrate some of my thoughts about ministry. Like most of Rockport, Texas we evacuated to escape the force of category four Hurricane Harvey. The eye passed directly over our home. As my wife and I drove back into…

We are living in an unprecedented time of history. COVID-19 is a silent, insidious enemy that lurks around every corner: hiding on grocery bags, on our mail and our groceries, in the cough of the person behind us in line at Kroger, on the park bench where we love to sit after our social-distancing walk…

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