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Pretzel Prayers
Share a simple object lesson about prayer using a pretzel. Make pretzels together or use purchased ones. (For this object lesson, make or choose the knots/twisted ones.)
Although no one is exactly sure when and where pretzels were first made, there is a story that long ago there was a kind Italian monk who knew how important prayer was. He cut long strips of baked dough and folded them into a special shape, the shape of crossed arms (which is what they did when they prayed). Then he baked and gave them to the children as rewards for saying their prayers.
Ask them to hold out their arms in front and then cross their arms across their chest. Teach them a simple prayer, having them repeat each line after you.
I bow my head (bow head)
And twist my arms tight (cross arms across chest)
I ask Him to help me
Say and do what’s right.
I say a prayer
To my Father above
To give Him thanks
For His great love.
Eat the pretzels. Every day we need God’s help to do what is right. God wants us to talk to Him and He listens. We can ask Him for what we need.
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Sing Your Praise
James 5:13 says that when you are happy/cheerful, you should sing praises. Crank up the music (praise music, that is) while you are riding in the car and praise God! What a great way to honor God and express your joy!
Splink: 3
Students used the word, PRAY to learn more about prayer. Use this as a guide for prayer at bedtime to add some variety to your prayers.
P raise God!
Draw a picture to express your thoughts about God or say your own words of praise to Him. (If you need ideas, read Psalm 145.)
R epent!
To repent means that you are sorry for your sin and you want to change. Sit quietly and think. Is there any sin I need to repent of? If you need God to take away any sin, tell Him you are sorry and ask Him to forgive you.
A sk
Ask God for whatever you or your family or friends need. Say or write three requests. Put today’s date and wait to see how God will answer.
Y ield
To yield to God means that you say yes to what God wants. Tell God you want His will more than you want your own way.
Source: Splink