Some of them are old enough to hold down part-time jobs. . . and so they do. Others are old enough to hold down part-time jobs, yet for any number of reasons, they don’t. All of them will someday leave high school and take a step towards adult life that will either include stepping right into the working world, or a few more years of education in the hopes that a degree will prepare them for a “good”job. At some point, they will have to make “a living.”
What will the kids you know and love see as the end or purpose of work? Why will they choose to pursue the job and career path they choose to pursue? Will their goals be economic in ways that make the old Loverboy song “Working For the Weekend” their personal anthem? Or will they push back on the empty promises and faulty philosophy of what’s become known as “The American Dream?”
If we truly believe that the Gospel speaks to all of life and that Christian nurture leads to the integration of faith into our work, then we need to be pointing our kids to something better than what the culture is currently giving them.
Source: CPYU