Steve Argue, assistant professor of youth, family, and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary, an applied research strategist with the Fuller Youth Institute, and dad of 3 girls, talks with us about how to parent an emerging adult, those between the ages of 18-30. The age when most young adults are experiencing unprecedented freedom and pressure. He talks through what issues they’re facing and what they need most from their parents.

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Parenting is courageous and improvisational. There’s no formula and it requires constant change.
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According to @pewresearch, 30% of emerging adults live at home with their parents.
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Emerging adults need parents who listen more than they give answers.
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Dr. Jim Burns


Steven joined the Fuller Theological Seminary faculty in June 2015 in a hybrid role as assistant professor of youth, family, and culture and as an applied research strategist with the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI). He is a thought leader and researcher with decades of on-the-ground ministry experience. His doctoral research focused on how undergraduate students who attend public universities perceive and work through spiritual struggle. He hopes this work can contribute to better understanding emerging adults—one of the most misunderstood groups of people in our churches today—and provide more meaningful ways for faith communities to support emerging adults in one of the most important periods in their lives.

Carlos Whittaker, Parent Cue Live Host


Carlos is an author, speaker, and content creator living in Nashville, TN with his wife Heather and 3 kids Sohaila, Seanna, and Losiah. He is addicted to social media, his wife’s enchiladas, and is determined to have his daughters teach him to land a backflip on the trampoline by the time he is 45.

Kristen Ivy - Parent Cue Live Host


Kristen is the Executive Director of Messaging at Orange, Director of The Phase Project, and co-author of Playing For Keeps and It’s Just a Phase – So Don’t Miss It. She combines her degree in secondary education with a Master of Divinity and lives with her husband, Matt, and their three children, Sawyer,  Hensley, and Raleigh, in Cumming, GA.

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Source: The Parent Cue