What’s Inside?
Invite your kids to look in the pantry and choose the vegetables and/or fruit to eat for dinner.
Why did you choose those? (Because I like them; they taste good; etc.)
Would you be disappointed if you choose one and there was something completely different inside? We would all be disappointed if the inside didn’t match the label on the outside.
Since people can’t see inside of us to know what we are like, they must learn about us by the things we say or do. (Proverbs 20:11). Daniel was a good leader who showed his integrity by consistently doing the right things.
Brainstorm some characteristics of a person with integrity (loyal; kind; loving; hard-working; obeys; truthful; etc.).
Name each of those characteristics and ask: How can I show this by the things I say or do? (For example, if I am loyal, I will speak good about my parents or friends behind their backs.)
Ding, Ding, Ding
How can you reinforce actions that build integrity? Try an experiment to see what happens when you praise good things. When you see a family member speaking or acting in a good or right way, ring a bell. Point out to the rest of the family the specific way that person showed integrity. (Marissa helped her sister find her shoes! What a kind thing to do!)
*** If you don’t have a bell, just say (loudly) Ding, ding, ding! Adapt these ideas to what you have and what fits your schedule and family.
Integrity means that your actions match your words. If you SAY you are a Christian, you should DO things that a Christian would DO.
Something to Live Up To
The novel, Little Men, by Louisa May Alcott, tells about Jo Bhaer and the students at Plumfield Estate School. Every Sunday (I think), Jo would spend time with each one and show the student what she had written in a notebook—the good things he/she had done that week.
Bless your children with your words. Print their name vertically on a piece of paper. Write one good characteristic (that you see in your child) for each letter in their name. To make it easier, the word doesn’t have to start with the letter, just so the letter is used somewhere in the word. For example:
Available to God
Hang it on their door or in a prominent place as a reminder of the good characteristics you see in them.
The post Splink | Integrity Under Pressure appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink