Teen suicide. . . the reality is sobering. It’s on the rise. And, we need to be aware. Certainly our response must be prophetic (instilling biblical hope and the reason for living in kids) and preventive (taking steps to build relationships with kids that build resiliency, for eexample). And sadly, we must also be redemptive. We must be ready to intervene. Early intervention is essential, and it begins with understanding the signs.
Teenagers who attempt suicide give signs. It is estimated that about 80 percent of those who take their life communicate their intention to someone prior to the act. While they may not always communicate their pain and intentions with verbal clarity, the signs are there. But they may never be heard unless we know what to watch for.
There are five categories of signs and cries that teens may give before attempting or committing suicide. Carefully read through the descriptions of the second category of these signs, realizing that they will usually appear in some combination in a teenager’s life.
Source: CPYU