Walk With the Wise and Become Wiser
Talk with your child about making wise choices in friends. Read Psalm 1:1. What does this verse tell us about who we hang with? We will be blessed if we don’t choose friends who do wrong things. No one is perfect, but we want to choose friends who love God and want to obey Him. If we make friends with wise people, we will become wiser (Proverbs 13:20).
Here are few tips to help your child build good friendships:
- Practice a simple greeting / introduction for your child to use on the playground, etc.
- Brainstorm some simple games or jokes your child can share with other kids.
- Be faithful to attend church and invite some of his classmates to your house.
- Enroll your child in a new class or sport where they can meet other kids.
- Stay involved and encourage relationships with kids who share your values.
Bear Fruit Every Season
For breakfast, make fruit smoothies and talk about how we can be like a fruit tree. Put whatever fruit you have on hand (bananas, strawberries, blueberries—anything works) in the blender. You can add orange juice, milk, or ice if it’s too thick. Or make breakfast banana splits, substituting oatmeal for ice cream. Add crushed pineapple, strawberry preserves or strawberries, and of course chocolate syrup and whipped cream.
While drinking/eating, talk about it:
What is your favorite fruit?
Why does the Bible say those who meditate (think about) God’s laws will be like fruit trees?
Read Psalm 1:2-3. Just as a peach tree bears fruit every summer, we are to “produce” good things. When we think about and obey God’s Word, we will produce love, joy, patience, goodness, etc. (Galatians 5:22-23).
Summer is a great time to get into the habit of reading the Bible every day. You might be surprised what good things come from that.
Celebrate July 4th by watching the fireworks, cooking out, playing baseball in the backyard, or hold a big water fight throwing wet sponges. (Holidays are a great time to build good memories—kids have fun and want to repeat it year after year!)
Make red, white, and blue food. Dip strawberries in white chocolate (about half way up) and then dip just the tip in blue sugar. Dip pretzel rods in white chocolate and sprinkle with red and blue sprinkles.
Even though things aren’t perfect in our country (never have been), we can still thank God for the freedoms we have to worship God. Pray for the president and other leaders to make wise decisions so we can live in peace (1 Timothy 2:2).
The post Splink | A Song of Wisdom appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink