Who Can Cure It?

Brainstorm situations with your kids about needs and cures. Some scenarios are listed below to get you thinking:

  • You are very sick and need special medicine. Who do you need…a doctor or an artist?
  • You are ready to go to school but the car is not running. Who do you need…a mechanic or an airplane pilot?
  • You hear a loud gush and water is pouring out from under the kitchen sink. Who do you need…a plumber or a librarian?
  • You see a serious accident and emergency help is needed. Who do you need to call…911 or a clown?
  • Your animal is very sick. Who do you need…a veterinarian or a hair stylist?

For all of these things to be fixed, you need to go to the person or source that can fix it. You shouldn’t go to a veterinarian if you have the flu; you should go to a doctor. An artist is not needed to paint a picture of what is wrong; the doctor gives you a check-up to find out the answer.

Who do you need when you sin? Jesus! Only Jesus can fix our sin problem.


God’s Gift

This may be a good time to talk with your child about accepting God’s wonderful gift. Wrap a small gift or just use a dollar bill (if they are older, a five dollar bill might even be better). Tell your child that you have a gift for her and hold it out to her.

After she takes it, ask:
What did you have to do to get the gift? (I had to accept/receive it)

What would have happened if you said, “No, I don’t want it”? (The gift would NOT be yours.)

God has a wonderful gift for you. Romans 6:23 says that the “gift of God is eternal life through Jesus.” God made a wonderful place called Heaven and He wants you to live forever with Him.

There is one problem—there is no sin in Heaven and the Bible also says that “all (everyone, including me) have sinned” (Romans 3:23).

Ask: Have you ever sinned? (Caution: If your child does not understand sin or won’t admit that she has sinned, she may not be ready to receive Christ. Say a simple prayer with her for God to help her understand and bring it up at a later time.)

God made a way for you to have your sin taken away—He sent Jesus to take the punishment for your sin and mine. You have a choice: do you want to accept Jesus and the forgiveness for your sin?

You can say a simple prayer:

Dear Jesus, I believe You died on the cross for my sin and came alive again. Please come into my life and take away my sin. Thank you.


Good News

Review the Bible verse students are learning, Romans 6:23. Pair up family members and give each pair a balloon to blow up and tie the opening. Bat the balloon back and forth with each person saying the next word of the verse as he/she touches it. (Optional: Toss a small ball or stuffed animal back and forth if you don’t have any balloons.)

The good news is that God gives eternal life (life with Him in Heaven that never ends) because of what Jesus did on the cross. What a wonderful gift!

The post Splink | The Cure for Sin appeared first on D6 Family.

Source: Splink