You Pick
Put a kitchen utensil in a bag (one per bag) and allow each family member to choose his eating utensil for dinner (no touching to see what might be inside either). Each person must eat their dinner using ONLY the utensil he/she chose. (Hopefully, there will be some laughter!)
What would have made your choice easier? (Being able to see what was in the bags.)
What are some choices we make each day? (What cereal to eat; what clothes to wear; what game to play; whether to yell at a sibling or speak kind words; whether to tell the truth or a lie; and lots more!)
Are there consequences to the choices we make? (Yes! Some consequences for wrong choices: we feel guilty; we get into trouble; we make the Holy Spirit sad; we hurt others; etc.) Even if it looks like there are no consequences, sin and wrong choices always hurt us. If we think we get away with doing wrong things, that is a worse consequence than getting caught because it might encourage us to sin more.
Choosing God’s way (as told to us in the Bible) is the best way to live.
What to Do If
Ask your kids:
Will you always make wise choices? (Unfortunately, not!)
What should you do when you make a wrong choice? (Tell God we sinned and ask Him to forgive us; try to make it right with others; tell others we are sorry if they were involved; etc.)
Parents, you may want to share what you do when you make a wrong choice. It is good for us to say, “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’m sorry I lied.” And when they hear you asking God to forgive you, they will begin to understand God’s grace.
Jesus is bigger than our wrong choices. He forgives us and still loves us even when we fail to make right choices.
A New Habit for a New Year
One must KNOW what is wise and right in order to LIVE by it. Give your child a good devotional guide. Click here to find age-graded devotional magazines to help everyone get into the habit of reading the Bible daily. Start a new habit for the new year. Set aside a few minutes every day for each person to go to a quiet place and read their Bibles.
The post Splink | Wisdom in Daily Living appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink