Splinks for the week of December 15-21, 2019
Shelter of Peace
Create a blanket fort under your dining table or using couches, chairs, and pillows in the Living room. Gather your family together in the fort and ask them to think of situations where they had to seek shelter or someone they know had to seek shelter.
- What was the danger? (It could be real or pretend.)
- What was the shelter?
- How did they respond to having shelter?
Use flashlights and enjoy a snack together in the fort. Then sing “Silent Night” together to remember the “heavenly peace” God provides. If everyone is still comfortable in the fort sing more songs and enjoy the togetherness.
Guard Your Heart
Items needed:
Wads of paper (or soft indoor balls)
Two buckets or bowls
Divide the family into two teams or allow individuals to compete against one another. Define the boundaries and any rules you choose to implement. Then set a timer for 2 minutes and instruct the teams to try to score a point by getting a paper wad or ball into the other team’s goal. Players can knock the ball away from the goal or block it but they cannot completely cover the goal as a means of blocking it. Have fun with the game and encourage each family member to participate. Then discuss the value of guarding the goal. Remind family members that God provides a special type of guard for the most important part of us. Isaiah 26 reminds us that God gives us peace to guard our hearts. During this season peace is talked about often. Challenge family members to thank God for this special heart-guard every time they hear the word.
Comfort Matters
The world seems to be full of wickedness everywhere you turn. Despite the uncertainty and evil that surrounds us, Christians can rest in the grace and peace that God’s salvation provides. No matter what happens around us, we know God is in control and His promises will always stand. Talk with your child about the things that comfort her and share the things that comfort you. A stuffed animal, chocolate chip cookies, a certain type of music, a nightlight, or a hug from a loved one can help when we feel troubled. Have your child show you his or her favorite comfort item, or you can do an activity that brings comfort.
Remind your child God’s peace should bring even more comfort than that!
The post Splink | The Gift of Peace appeared first on D6 Family.
Source: Splink