Welcome to KidCity Online!  Here you’ll find a wide variety of resources that will set you up to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! There are stories to watch, songs to sing, discussion guides, & activities you can do anytime this week.  Choose what works best for your family & enjoy watching your kids grow in their relationship with Jesus.

For parents

How to Use This Page:

  1. Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
  2. Use the Discussion Guide immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
  3. Open the Full Parent Guide (also linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion.
  4. You can find all of the activity pages you need right below the Full Parent Guide.
  5. Scroll down to view this weekend’s Worship Videos.

For kids

For parents


(Balloon, Permanent Marker)

Say the key passage using motions. Repeat several times and encourage children for trying. “He (point up) must become greater, (hold arms upward in a V) but I (point thumbs to chest) must become less (crouch down)” John 3:30 (open hands like a book).

Write the key passage on a balloon. Show your child the words on the deflated balloon. Blow up the balloon and show how the words get bigger. Say the key passage as you bop the balloon together.

SAY • Our key passage is words John said in our Bible story. John was talking about Jesus. John knew Jesus was more important than him. Jesus is the most important of all! He didn’t think he should baptize Jesus, but John baptized Jesus because Jesus said it was the right thing to do.


Ask the following questions. Retell parts of the Bible story as needed.

What did John do when people said they were sorry for disobeying God? (He baptized them in the Jordan River.)

What did Jesus ask John to do? (baptize Him)

What happened when John baptized Jesus? (The sky opened, and Jesus saw God’s Spirit coming down on Him like a dove. Then God’s voice came from heaven. “This is My Son,” the voice said. “I love Him, and I am very happy with Him!”)

SAY • John called people to turn away from their sins and turn to God, asking Him to forgive them. Then he baptized them. God also said it was right for Jesus to be baptized, even though He never sinned. So, John baptized Jesus, too. Baptism reminds us that Jesus died and came back to life, and all people who know and love Jesus are baptized to show they are following Jesus.


Invite your child to share any prayer requests they have.

SAY • God, thank you that Jesus came to save people. Thank you that baptism reminds us of that. Help us understand that we need a Savior. Help us to love and obey you. Amen.


For kids

Big Picture Card

4’s and 5’s Activity Pages


Weekend Worship