Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to experience KidCity right where you are! Our weekend teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in it together.” Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/ If you have a question about anything or just want to reach out directly, e-mail us at [email protected].
For parents
How to Use This Page:
- Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
- Use the Key Passage Motions and Discussion Guide immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
- Open the Full Parent Guide (also linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion.
- You can find all of the activity pages you need right below the Full Parent Guide.
- Then, scroll down to view this weekend’s Worship Videos as many times as you like!
For kids – Online Experience Video
Trouble getting the video to load? Try this link – Click HERE
Download the Together for Haiti Coloring Page HERE
For parents
Say the key passage using motions. Repeat several times and encourage children for trying.
“For God (point up) so loved (cross arms over chest) the world that he gave (hold hands out in front) his one and only Son (hold up one finger), that whoever believes in him (display arms outward) shall not perish (shake head) but have eternal life (clasp hands together).” John 3:16
Ask the following questions. Retell parts of the Bible story as needed.
Who came to visit Jesus? (Nicodemus)
What did Jesus mean when He said a person must be born again to see God’s Kingdom? (They need to receive a new better life from God.)
Can we earn life forever with God by being good? (No, life with God forever is a gift!)
What is God’s great plan? (Everyone who believes in God’s one and only Son, Jesus, will have life forever with Him.)
SAY • Nicodemus was a man who tried to obey God’s law and taught it to others. He thought people could earn their way to heaven by being good and keeping all of God’s rules. Jesus taught Nicodemus that he could not do anything to earn life with God. Life with God forever is a gift. God showed His love by sending His one and only Son to save people from sin. Jesus is God’s one and only Son! Everyone who believes in Jesus receives God’s gift of life forever with Him.
Invite your child to share any prayer requests they have.
SAY • God, thank you for sending your one and only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. We trust that we cannot earn our way to heaven, but that life forever with you only comes from Jesus. Help us all trust in your great plan. Amen.
For kids
Weekend Worship