Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience!  Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.

We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the know” with each other. Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/  If you have a question about anything or just want to reach out directly, e-mail us at [email protected].

For parents

How to Use This Page:

  1. Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
  2. Use the Discussion Guide immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
  3. Open the Full Parent Guide (also linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion.
  4. You can find all of the activity pages you need right below the Full Parent Guide.
  5. Scroll down to view this weekend’s Worship Videos.

For kids (Online Experience Video)

Trouble getting the video to load?  Try this link – CLICK HERE

Download the Salvation Conversation Guide  <———-HERE

For parents

Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:

You can access the full modified curriculum here.


(Bible) (John 4)

What did Jesus ask for when He first saw the Samaritan woman? (a drink of water, John 4:7)

What did Jesus say would happen to a person who drinks the living water? (He will never thirst again. It will become a well in him. He will have eternal life; John 4:14)

What is the living water Jesus spoke about? Guide kids to see that the living water is a picture of what the Holy Spirit is like. When we believe the gospel, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to live within us. He helps us to love and obey God and fills our lives with joy and love so that we can “overflow” joy and love onto other people. 

How can we receive “living water”? Remind the kids that the Bible teaches everyone who believes the gospel will be saved. Help them understand that when we believe the gospel, we ask forgiveness for our sin and love God. God forgives our sin, gives us new hearts, and sends the Holy Spirit to live in us and help us obey God out of love.

SHARE • Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe. Anyone can be a believer because Jesus loves all people. The gift of salvation is freely offered to us.


Pray as a family and ask the following questions:

What does this story teach me about God?

What does this story teach me about myself?

Who can I tell about this story?

Full Parent Guide

For kids

K/1st Activity Pages

2nd-5th Activity Pages

Sermon Notes discussion guide (for kids who watch the adult service, too!)

Weekend Worship Videos