Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!
Parents- This week we encourage you to:
- Watch the video (linked below) with your child.
- Use the discussion questions immediately following the video to unpack the lesson with your child!
- Use the Activity/GodTime pages (linked below) to generate more activities and discussion opportunities.
CLICK HERE for this week’s video teaching
GodTime: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child.
Modified Curriculum
Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God’s creativity.
Memory Verse: “LORD, you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are.” Psalm 145:3 (NIrV)
Life App: Creativity—Imagining what you could do because you’re made in God’s image.
- What do you think is the most important thing you can do in order to use your talents, mind, and creativity to point others to God?
- What might you need to do differently if you thought of yourself as light and salt to those around you every day?
- Why is it important for those who follow Jesus to tell others about Him?
- [Make it Personal] (Tell kids about how you first learned about Jesus. Who told you the story or brought you to church?)
- What makes it hard to tell others about Jesus? What do we worry will happen if we tell people about Jesus? How can we overcome our fears?
We encourage you to take time to together pray as a family.