Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are!
Parents- This week we encourage you to:
- Watch the video (linked below) with your child.
- Use the discussion questions immediately following the video to unpack the lesson with your child!
- Use the Activity/GodTime pages (linked below) to generate more activities and discussion opportunities.
CLICK HERE for this week’s video teaching
GodTime: Use the page(s) that is most appropriate for your child.
Modified Curriculum
Life App: Responsibility – Showing you can be trusted with what is expected of you
Bible Passage: Greatest Commandment — Matthew 22:36-47
Key Question: What are things you’re expected to do?
Bottom Line: Love God. Love others.
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can love God, love others, and love life
Memory Verse: “Suppose you can be trusted with something very little. Then you can also be trusted with something very large.” Luke 16:10a, NIrV
- What’s one benefit of being responsible?
- What’s one consequence of not doing what is expected of you?
- Why should a Jesus follower be known as a person who is responsible?
- Would you say that loving God and loving others is an expectation God has of those who say they follow Jesus? Why or why not?
- What’s one way you could show more love for God this next week? How about for others?
We encourage to take some time to pray together as a family.