Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here.
- Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together
- Discussion Questions for you & your student
- Pre-Teen Guide for your student to go a little deeper on his/her own
- Salvation Conversation Guide for one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have
We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the know” with each other. Follow us at facebook.com/hopekidcity/
Got a question? E-mail us at kidcity@gethope.net
Online Experience Video
Access this week’s video – CLICK HERE*
*The new video for the upcoming week will be loaded by Wednesday of each week.
For parents
Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:
Monthly Virtue: Peace—proving you care more about each other than winning an argument
Memory Verse: If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can. Romans 12:18 (NIrV)
Week 1: March 3
Bible Story: Whenever, Wherever (Live in Peace with Everyone) • Romans 12:18
Key Question: Why is it important to make peace?
Basic Truth: I am made by God to reflect His Image.
- Do you feel stressed when you’re in conflict with someone?
- Who are some people who are hard for you to have peace with?
- Is it challenging to make peace with someone else?
- Why is it important to make peace?
- Does making peace always mean you have to give up what you want?
Week 2: March 10
Bible Story: Let Go (Abram and Lot) • Genesis 13:5-18
Key Question: Why is it hard to give up what you think is fair?
Basic Truth: I am made by God to reflect His Image.
- What does fair mean?
- Have you ever had to give up something you thought you deserved?
- How does it feel to lose or miss out on something?
- Why is it hard to give up what you think is fair?
Week 3: March 17
Bible Story: The Peacemaker (Abigail Intervenes) • 1 Samuel 25:1-35
Key Question: How can you be a peacemaker?
Basic Truth: I am made by God to reflect His Image.
- Why is it challenging to help others make peace?
- Would you want someone to help you make peace if you’re in a conflict?
- How can you be a peacemaker?
- Should you always take on the responsibility of being a peacemaker for others?
- When can you know that it’s time to let someone else help?
Week 4: March 24
Bible Story: Take You at Your Word (Palm Sunday) • Matthew 21:1-11
Key Question: Why are promises important?
Basic Truth: I am made by God to reflect His Image.
- What does it feel like when someone doesn’t keep their promise?
- Why are promises important?
- What does the word “Savior” mean?
- What does it mean to have a relationship with God?
- How do you know God loves you?
Week 5: March 31- Easter
Bible Story: Alive (Easter) • Luke 24:1-12, 36-49
Key Question: Why does Easter matter?
Basic Truth: I am loved by God no matter what so I can belong in God’s family forever.
- How does believing Jesus is alive change the way you live your life?
- How can Jesus help you through hard things?
- Why does Easter matter?
- How will God make everything right again?
For kids
Sermon Notes discussion guide (for students who watch the adult service, too!)