Welcome to KidCity Online!  Here you’ll find a wide variety of resources that will set you up to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! This weekend, your kids will be learning that Jesus was baptized & will be encouraged to talk with you if they have questions about baptism.  This could also lead to some children expressing their own desire to be baptized.  If you want more information about next steps for your child who is interested in taking this big step, e-mail us at [email protected].

For parents

How to Use This Page:

  1. Watch the Online Experience video with your child.
  2. Use the Discussion Guide immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s fresh!
  3. Open the Full Parent Guide (also linked below) for more activity ideas & deeper discussion.
  4. You can find all of the activity pages you need right below the Full Parent Guide.
  5. Scroll down to view this weekend’s Worship Videos.

For kids

For parents

Special Needs Ministry Modified Elementary Curriculum:

You can access the full modified curriculum here.



Who was John the Baptist? (the one God sent to prepare the way for Jesus; Matt. 3:3)

What happened after Jesus was baptized? (God spoke from heaven, and the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus like a dove; Matt. 3:16-17)

Does baptism save us? Guide your kids to understand that baptism is important, but it is only a symbol of what Jesus has done for us. A person is baptized because she is saved, not in order to be saved. Suggest an analogy, such as dressing like a doctor versus being a doctor. Dressing the part can suggest you are a doctor but cannot make you a doctor if you are not one.  If your child has questions about salvation,  feel free to check out our Salvation Conversation Guide for Parents.

Why is baptism important? Help kids understand that God has commanded followers of Jesus to be baptized, and Jesus provided an example of baptism for us to follow. We do not obey God to earn a relationship with Him, but we want to obey Him out of love and worship. Baptism is a beautiful picture of our sinful lives dying with Jesus and our new life beginning when we are “raised” from the water. It shows the world we trust Jesus and have decided to follow Him.

When should someone be baptized? Remind kids that baptism is a way to show they have trusted Jesus; anyone who has not trusted Jesus should not be baptized. If your child shows interest in baptism, e-mail us at [email protected], and we will reach back out with more information!

SAY • Jesus obeyed God by being baptized. When we trust Jesus for salvation, we obey God this way too.


Pray as a family and ask the following questions:

What does this story teach me about God?

What does this story teach me about myself?

Who can I tell about this story?

Full Parent Guide

Salvation Conversation Guide for Parents

For kids

K/1st Activity Pages

2nd-5th Activity Pages

Pre-teen Learner Guide

The Pre-teen Learner Guide is designed to provide Bible Study throughout the week for your 4th or 5th grader.

Origami Dove

Weekend Worship Videos