What Do You Think?

Read from the list below (or create your own) and ask family members to decide whether the task is hard or easy to do. Ask them to move to one side of the room if they think it is easy, or to the other side if it is hard.

Some actions:
– Eat candy
– Stay up late
– Clean your room
– Play video games
– Wash the dishes
– Obey your parents
– Be kind to others
– Eat broccoli
– Give to others
– Eat ice cream for dinner

It is not always easy to do the right thing. In fact, sometimes the right thing is hard to do.

Read Jonah 1:1-17.

Jonah did not obey what God told him to do. He dealt with some difficult consequences because he disobeyed but he also learned that God always pursues us and wants us to be in a right relationship with Him.


Hide and Seek

Play a game of Hide and Seek as a family or choose an item to hide and allow family members to take turns trying to find it. Then read the passage from Jonah and remind your family members of God’s relentless pursuit of His children.

Read Jonah 1:1-17.

Jonah tried to hide from God, but he learned God pursues us and shows compassion and love for us even when we disobey Him.  The next time you play Hide and Seek, remember we are never out of God’s sight or His reach. God pursues us even when we are disobedient or try to hide from HIm.


He Never Gives Up!

Encourage family members to give examples of relentless pursuit of something. You might talk about someone who worked hard to finish a degree to become a nurse or a teacher. You might reference an athlete who worked hard to pursue a spot on a team or a world record in his or her event.

Then research Scriptures and songs that remind of God’s pursuit of His children. Read some of those verses and sing along as you listen to some of those songs together.

End your time together by praying and thanking God for His relentless pursuit of His children. Encourage each family to participate in the prayer time.

The post Splink | God Pursues the Disobedient appeared first on D6 Family.

Source: Splink