*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Female athletes appear to be more likely than men to suffer concussions during their careers on the field, a new study suggests. The findings add to the existing evidence that female athletes may be more susceptible to concussions, even as attention has tended to…

Dan Scott has extensively researched the power of story. In this episode, he talks with Kristen Ivy about how kids are wired to use stories, even fictional stories, to help them process the world around them, to learn empathy, and to gain perspective. Parents can use stories to teach important life principles and start…
“I sorry.” When those words are delivered by the high-pitched voice of a child, they melt you. Of course I’ll forgive you, you think. How could I not? Even if there is a huge mess behind her. Bookcases are knocked over. The dog is barking. The cat is perched on top of the chandelier. A…

Splink 1: Act Like You Love One Another Get the creative juices going and make puppets out of whatever materials you have on hand (sock singles; popsicle sticks; markers; scraps of fabric; yarn; etc.) After each person makes a puppet, act out some scenarios (with the puppets) of when and how to show…

Trending Today on Twitter – 2/24/17 1. #IngredientsReign 2. #IStandUpToBulliesBy 3. #7NamesFor7NewPlanets 4. J.C. Penney 5. #FlashbackFriday 6. The National Death Wish 7. FIND NOW 8. Amber Alert 9. #MakeLove 10. #DailyPropheticWord Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 2/24/17 1. Warriors 2. Alan Colmes 3. NBA Trades 4. CPAC 5. Cameron Payne…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. Smart students usually know better than to light up a cigarette. But when it comes to drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana, these same whiz kids are likely to let knowledge take a backseat to “party” time. New research from the United…

The shock, shame, and anger that first takes place when you stumble upon the fact that your child has viewed porn is understandably terrifying. Every parent hopes their child will live with sexual integrity, and when we hear the statistics of kids and porn it can be disheartening. Yes, the average age of a…

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 Age doesn’t always determine your qualification. Oftentimes we look to those who are older for advice, leadership, and spiritual guidance, and there’s nothing…

Our family has officially entered the wasteland of carpooling. Not familiar with that? Allow me to explain. There comes a time in your child’s life when they’re old enough to have lots of activities but young enough that they can’t drive yet. You, as the parent, find yourself trapped in a never ending…

Splink 1: The Whole Picture Draw a simple picture, but only draw part of the picture. (Leave out the important parts.) Invite the others to guess what it is. If they can’t guess, finish the drawing. It was hard to guess the picture when you only saw part of it. Sometimes we judge…