Early this morning I was reading in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 5, about a distraught father named Jairus. As I pondered his two-sentence urgency-filled request to Jesus I kept thinking about kids today. Jairus said to Jesus, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. The professor may be lecturing, but too often college students aren’t listening: They’re using their laptops to surf the Internet instead. Now, new research finds that all that distraction in the classroom may mean poorer grades for students. The research…

Imagine the end. Say words that build. Use everyday moments to tell a bigger story. Be the person you want your kids to be. These are the things I am so glad someone much wiser than us encouraged us to do when we were beginning our parenting journey. There’s one last thing, and it’s…

I hope to raise my children to be followers. Our world has plenty of leaders but not nearly enough followers. Leadership is overrated. All too often accompanied by inflated ego and entitlement, it tears us apart, offers a temporary façade of confidence, and severs our relationship with the only true leader. You see, I want…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on NYMag. According to a new study of UK youth, a fifth of teens regularly wake up at night to check their social media. The paper drew from four years of surveys of some 480 randomly selected Welsh students. They answered questions about…

Splink 1: Same/Different Do a simple (fun) experiment several times and see if you get the same results. (If you have several kids this works out well.) Items Needed: Cup or glass; liquid dishwashing detergent; 2 tablespoons of baking soda; vinegar; red food coloring (optional); baking pan (or do this in the sink)…

Trending Today on Twitter – 1/20/17 1. #YoureHired 2. #ThankYouObamas 3. #DisruptJ20 4. Donald the Unready 5. #USofScience 6. #MourningInAmerica 7. Jackie O 8. Makonnen 9. Zach Orr 10. #CheesyFilms Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 1/20/17 1. Fox News Live 2. Trump Inauguration Performance 3. Eric Trump 4. Miguel Ferrer 5. Melania…

I’ve never met a parent who says, “I want my child to grow up to abuse drugs.” There are, however, many twisted individuals making millions of dollars off of their pursuit of the desire to promote addiction. And for too many kids, a variety of cultural, situational, developmental, and personal realities combine to lead to decisions…

Here’s one thing I know. There isn’t a parent out there who woke up with the thought, I wonder how I could ruin my child today? We know you want to be the best parent you can be. But being a great parent requires more than focusing on your child. It calls for the…

Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” It’s well known that Einstein was never one for the classroom. While he excelled in many of his studies, school left him frustrated. He eventually dropped out of school when he was fifteen. His personal value of school aside,…