Splink 1: Bombarded Give each family member a piece of paper and have them write a thought/lie on it that they’ve heard or something that comes into their minds about sin. (It’s okay to sin; Sin is not that bad. Stealing a pack of gum is a little thing. Telling a little white lie…

Note: We’re doing a 4-week Advent (challenge) to center on Jesus. Learn more and join us here. Saying that we want to focus on Jesus during Christmas and actually doing it are two separate things. The doing is the hard part—there are a lot of things filling up our minds, and many of…

Trending Today on Twitter – 12/9/16 1. #Monumental 2. #RIPJohannah 3. #MajorApplewhite 4. #fridayreads 5. #ChristmasAPopSong 6. The Fate of the Furious 7. Kirk Douglas 8. War for the Planet of the Apes 9. Lincoln Memorial 10. #GiftIdeasForCelebs Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 12/9/16 1. Kirk Douglas 2. Maisie Williams 3. Louis Tomlinson…

December 24th, 1972 – My sister and I are huddled in the back seat of my Dad’s Buick rumbling down interstate 64 from my grandmother’s house in Dunbar, to our home in Hurricane, West Virginia. It was late. What started as an amazing dinner, spun itself into caroling, and storytelling, and presents, and laughter. We…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on CNET. Pens and notebooks, you may be on the way out as the main tools of classroom learning. At least according to one study, technology is catching on in a big way. New survey data from online-learning site Quizlet shows that teachers and students…
Why did I care so much about my kids and their driving habits when they first got their licenses? Well. . . simple answer is that I remember many of the risks I took when I was first out on the road by myself (sorry Mom and Dad!). Inexperience, adolescent impulsivity, smartphones, and that “nothing……

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on WTTW. More than 5 million underage Americans report binge drinking at least once a month, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The NIAAA says it is a “serious health problem” for underage drinkers and poses a range of risks and negative consequences…

The Story of the Ugliest Christmas Tree In our first year of marriage, I was still finishing up my education degree while my husband worked for a church as a youth pastor. We were poor. Even when we dug under the couch cushions for loose change (which we frequently did), we barely had enough to…

This morning, I logged on to my Google News Feed and checked out the stories that came up with the key words “Teen,” “Teenager,” “Adolescent,” and “Adolescence.” Sadly, the news that pops up is usually less than positive. Today, however, it was even worse than that. Here’s a sampling of the headlines that caught my…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. New research suggests there is more to helping kids become successful than pushing them to be involved in a multitude of activities and to score at the top of their class. In short, being a Tiger mom may be a little short-sighted. The Arizona…