We want our kids to understand how best to treat their neighbor, follow God, and trust Him no matter what. We could explain the facts of why they should, have them memorize the verses, or lecture them on what will happen if they don’t.   Or we could tell them a story.   More…

  Dear parent of a pre-teen or teen—the competition has started.   Whether you can recognize it yet or not, you’ve started to compete with another voice influencing your teen. It’s not the voice of their peers (though certainly they’re influential, too). It’s not their teachers or coaches.   It’s your child’s inner voice, and…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. According to a new study, 15 percent of sixth-grade students report they have perpetrated at least one form of abuse toward a dating partner through technology. For the study, researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of…

  Review the ten plagues God brought on Egypt. Write each one on a slip of paper and toss them into a bag or hat. Take turns picking a slip and drawing it on a white board (or piece of paper) while the others guess. Water, which turned to blood and killed the fish and…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. The teenage years are a time of change for both young people and parents as an adolescent experiences physical, mental, emotional, and social transformations. Transition from a child to a young adult is accompanied by a teens’ desire to increase independence from parents as…

At what age do you start caring about likes? It’s younger than you think. My daughter was 8 the first time she asked me about them. I had posted a photo of her on Instagram. The next morning she came downstairs and immediately said, “Dad, how many likes did that photo of me get?” In…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/14/16 1. #WomenWhoVoteTrump 2. #NationalDessertDay 3. #RIPJournalism 4. #LostMyInnocenceWhen 5. #fridayreads 6. Burning Down the House 7. Alolan Muk 8. Great Barrier Reef 9. Jingle BAM 10. Ray Tensing Source: Twitter Trending Searches Today on Google – 10/14/16 1. Dodgers 2. Denver Broncos 3. Bob Dylan 4. Rogue One 5….

Carlos Whittaker gives a practical way to invite other adults to speak into the lives of your kids at critical times. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcHgYqzYxtA]   OTHER PARENTING HACKS Date Your Kid’s Desires Change the Wi-Fi Password Source: The Parent Cue

  Last May I stated classes to become a high school English teacher. Since then I’ve learned so much about how to create lesson plans, engage students, and implement classroom management procedures. I’ve discussed a lot, read even more, and one of the things that has really stuck with me is the idea that a…

I didn’t want to say it. I’d been down this road so many times, and I knew that it usually stalled at a dead end. But I could feel the words on the tip of my tongue, scrambling to get out of the awkward silence of our greeting. Before my brain could find a decent…

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