There’s a weight like no other that exists in the world of medically complex kids. You spend your days—and sometimes nights—advocating, transporting, scheduling, and caregiving for this most precious treasure that you call son or daughter. You learn to be master juggler of all things, even if you have no athletic bone in your body….

  Turn It Around! Declare one day (or evening) to be Turn Around Day. Wear clothing turned inside out or backward. Switch around some furniture or household décor. Eat dessert before the meal or have breakfast foods for dinner.  Use the back door more than the front door (unless that’s the norm) and incorporate any…

By Walt Mueller A kid is a kid is a kid. . . or so I thought when I first got started in youth ministry. Somehow and some way, I missed the fact that each and every one of these precious image-bearers had a unique story. It wasn’t so much was I saw as I looked…

It’s one thing to say you care, and another to show you care. Quite honestly, it seems to be getting easier to tell the difference in everyday life. For instance, the person who says, “Yes, I really hope that Sally is doing okay with the children; her son with special needs is a handful. I’ll…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/18/19 1. #FridayFeeling 2. #AllWomanSpacewalk 3. #FridayThoughts 4. #FridayMotivation 5. #MakeItRight 6. Kash Dolll 7. Christina Koch 8. General Mattis 9. Finally Friday 10. Harada Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/18/19 1. Earthquake 2. Demi Lovato 3. Daryl Morey 4. Playboi Carti 5. Patrick Mahomes 6. Elijah Cummings…

By Walt Mueller Back in the summer of 2016, 17-year-old teenager Felix Alexander took his own life. Since then, his mother has dedicated her life to helping other parents understand the role that social media plays as the new “playground” for cyber-bullies, and the role cyber-bullying plays in making an already difficult transition from childhood to…

This morning my Bible reading found me in Psalm 34. I sometimes will read a Psalm and circle the attributes or roles of God that I see throughout the Psalm and note it in the margin. I don’t do this every time I read the Bible, but that’s what I did this morning. I’m only…

  Too Busy? Show your cell phone and ask family members to name the many different uses for this small device. Sometimes when I text someone, I get a response right away. It’s great that technology allows for such quick communication, but there are times when I don’t get a response for several hours or…

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.…” Romans 8:1 NASB This morning, as I planned for the day, I saw that my son’s physical therapist would be coming to the house this afternoon. Then I remembered that exactly one week ago, she spent much of the session teaching me…

I remember the moment perfectly. I was a counselor and was at a Burger King with a client when I heard the news about the planes hitting the twin towers in New York. The rest of that day, my role was to help my clients process their own fears as the news unfolded; coming alongside…

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