Trending Today on Twitter – 10/11/19 1. #ComingOutDay 2. Wale 3. #FridayMotivation 4. #FridayFeeling 5. #FridayMorning 6. #DayoftheGirl 7. El Camino 8. Fraud Guarantee 9. Slash Electric 10. Alexei Leonov Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/11/19 1. JWoww 2. Tekashi 69 3. Patriots 4. Astros 5. Errol Spence 6. El Camino 7. Snakehead…

James has an infectious laugh; it is one of those laughs that can start as a chuckle, a little giggle, and then builds and builds into a raucous belly laugh that barely gives him opportunity to take a breath. All sorts of things can set him off, maybe something he’s watching on his iPad. Once…

OCTOBER 10, 2019By Walt Mueller In a perfect world, God-honoring and loving Dads and Moms will lead their children into a healthy and balanced Biblical understanding of their sexuality that will yield a lifetime of equally God-honoring sexual values, attitudes, and behaviors. Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in a world that’s…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on EurekAlert. Positive family relationships during adolescence appeared to be associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms from adolescence to midlife in a new observational study of about 18,000 adolescents followed up until they were 32 to 42 years old. The study examined differences between males…

  What Do You Think? Read from the list below (or create your own) and ask family members to decide whether the task is hard or easy to do. Ask them to move to one side of the room if they think it is easy, or to the other side if it is hard. Some…

Are you a person of “means?” Do you have plenty of funds in your bank account, a lovely home, fancy car? Do you own all of life’s little conveniences, electronic toys and expensive things? Truthfully, I am not a person of means. I do not own many of the things I have just mentioned. I…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on EurekAlert. Young people who are hooked on their smartphones may be at an increased risk for depression and loneliness, according to a new study from the University of Arizona. A growing body of research has identified a link between smartphone dependency and symptoms of depression…

Trending Today on Twitter – 10/4/19 1. #FridayFeeling 2. Summer Walker 3. #NationalTacoDay 4. #FridayThoughts 5. #FridayMotivation 6. #WorldSmileDay 7. Washington Times 8. Today is 10-4 9. LaRouche 10. Happy FriYay Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 10/4/19 1. Big Mouth Season 3 2. Noel Gallagher 3. Seahawks 4. Joker 5. Atlanta Braves 6….

  They Started It! Remind your family of the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis 3:1-6, 22-23. Adam and Eve chose their own way instead of God’s way. God wanted to be close to them, but their sins separated them from God. Even though they sinned, God still loved them and promised to send…

I underestimate God. It is a mistake that I make too often. I feel my situations are enormous. The circumstances I face with my daughter with special and medical needs are challenging and scary. The fear and stress feel justified. My daughter gets distressed when her routine changes, which stresses me. I now dread times…

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