Trending Today on Twitter – 12/7/18 1. #AvengersEndgame 2. #GRAMMYs 3. Pearl Harbor 4. Kevin Hart 5. John Kelly 6. #FridayFeeling 7. Suri 8. Avengers Trailer 9. Ronin 10. Luis Valbuena Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 12/7/18 1. Luis Valbuena 2. Kelvin Benjamin 3. Spotify Wrapped 2018 4. Derrick Henry 5. Golden Globes…

What Is Wisdom? This week we started studying the book of Proverbs. Wisdom is a main theme of the book and something we all could use a little more of. Do a wisdom search. Write each letter of the word “wisdom” on an index card or piece of paper—you may even want to make a…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] More Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Episodes More Articles, Videos, & Podcasts Join The Pigs Today Episode 48: Turning Worship Upside-Down Worship is designed to be a natural outflow of our reverence, adoration and exaltation of God. It’s our expression of mirroring back the truths we undoubtedly know…

  Something Better Collect some items from the recycling bin (cereal boxes, paper towel rolls, ribbon, bottles, construction paper, etc.), some glue, and scissors. Make something “new” from the salvaged items. Read James 1:3-4. What comes from trials (troubles)? (Patience) What is the end result? (It will make you mature and complete, stronger, etc.)  …

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. More than 20 percent of high school students use electronic cigarettes, risking nicotine addiction, lung damage and the temptation to try traditional smokes, according to a new report. Between 2011 and 2018, the number of high school teens who started vaping, as e-cigarette use…

Happy Thanksgiving! Your kids are home for a few extra days of vacation, you spend more time around the table at meals, and you might even be spending extended periods of time together in the car as you travel to visit family and friends. The good news is that all this time together opens doors…

  I Need Help! Ask your kids to complete a job that is too hard for them. (Give them a hard puzzle to complete. Ask them to stack ten blocks without them falling down. Give them a hard math problem to complete. Activity will depend on the age and skill of each child.) As they…

JL note:  It’s nice to see a study that confirms what we’ve been telling parents for several decades. *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. For many a parent, having “the conversation” with your child about sex is a one-time event. New research now suggests that when it comes to your…

Trending Today on Twitter – 11/16/18 1. William Goldman 2. #FridayFeeling 3. The Princess Bride 4. #FridayMotivation 5. Butch Cassidy 6. #NationalFastFoodDay 7. #ZombieIn5Words 8. #FlashbackFriday 9. All the President’s Men 10. Julian Assange Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 11/16/18 1. Ed Oliver 2. School Closings NY 3. Ariana Grande haircut 4. David…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram may be hazardous to your mental health. The first experimental study examining use of multiple platforms shows a causal link between time spent on these social media and increased depression and loneliness, according to University of Pennsylvania researchers. The link…

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