Trending Today on Twitter – 6/8/18 1. Anthony Bourdain 2. #NationalBestFriendsDay 3. Muhammad Ali 4. #WorldOceansDay 5. #FridayFeeling 6. #suicide 7. #PartsUnknown 8. RIP Bourdain 9. Lanzini 10. Cecchinato Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 6/8/18 1. Anthony Bourdain 2. Gabriel Fernandez 3. Ontario Election 4. Washington Capitals 5. Ocean’s 8 6. Kate Spade…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Phys Org. From Facebook and Twitter, to Instagram and Snapchat, it’s no secret social media has become a common form of communication, but have you ever left your feeds feeling bad about yourself? If so, you’re not alone, according to a new study conducted…

  [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Brooklyn Lindsey, a writer, speaker, and youth pastor in Lakeland, Fla., joins host, Carlos Whittaker, to talk about how to find a sense of calm and peace amidst life’s chaos. YOUR CUE Prepare…

  [youtube] Source: The Parent Cue

  The Treasure Fill a plastic container with sand/uncooked rice/uncooked beans, etc. and hide coins (or little toys) inside the container. (It would ideal for each child to have his own container, but you can use one container and add coins/toys after each child finds the treasure.) Adapt this to fit what you have available….

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on USA Today. More teens are splitting up with Facebook, choosing to spend their social media time on rivals including Snapchat and YouTube. A survey from Pew Research Center finds 51% of teens (ages 13-17) still use Facebook, a sharp drop from the 71% of…

Discovering that someone you love is self-harming is frightening. It is also very confusing. As a parent, it is difficult to comprehend that no matter how much love you give to your child, it may not be enough to prevent him or her from hurting themselves. Who self-harms? Approximately 15% of young people self-harm. 34%…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Business Insider. Nearly half of US teens report being online on a near constant basis, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center. The report, titled “Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018,” surveyed teens and their parents about their internet and social…

  There are a lot of things I’m confident about. I’m confident that my 3-month-old hates sleep. I’m confident that my kitchen will remain a mess until the year 2050. I’m confident that I’ll never ever like sushi. And I’m confident that I will always choose the slowest line when checking out at the grocery…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 6/1/18 1. #NationalDonutDay 2. #FridayFeeling 3. Happy Pride Month 4. Kanye 5. #JobsReport 6. #WearOrange 7. #FlashbackFriday 8. All Mine 9. John Brennan 10. Zverev Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 6/1/18 1. koinonia 2. Tom Cruise 3. NBA Finals 4. Samantha Bee 5. Kanye West 6. Steph…

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