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This one isn’t easy. I’m going to come right out and say that. Some of my other blog posts are way easier to write. This one is a bit of a challenge though because it means confronting some long-held beliefs. I’ll just jump into it. I think we parents need to do a better job…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 3/23/18 1. #NationalPuppyDay 2. #FridayMotivation 3. Harlem 4. #IWouldJustLoveToVisit 5. Trebes 6. #Look1stWin 7. Edward Norton 8. #TreeFortSecretPassword 9. Scriptures 10. Congress OKs $1.3 Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 3/23/18 1. Great Pacific Garbage Patch 2. Loyola Chicago Basketball 3. John Bolton 4. Deadpool 2 5….

One sunny Labor Day, I had the opportunity to go boating with a group of six high schoolers in the clear blue waters off the coast of Miami. Six of us enjoyed the beautiful weather while swimming and water-skiing off the back end of a pretty impressive boat that belonged to Dave’s father. When it…

  Just two days into the New Year we got the difficult news that my 91-year-old grandmother had passed away. In the days that followed we did what everyone does in the grieving process. We remembered. We told a lot of stories. We recalled conversations and pivotal moments that stood out to us as we…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PRNewswire. Members of Generation Z are relieved when placed in a situation where they are unable to access their smartphones for several weeks, suggests a study conducted by Screen Education, a non-profit organization that addresses smartphone addiction, and Camp Livingston, a Cincinnati-based summer camp…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Dr. Chinwe Williams, a licensed professional counselor, shares age-appropriate tips on how to talk about crisis to a child or adolescent on today’s episode of the Parent Cue Live podcast. This is the final…

It’s pretty simple. . . the mantra for identity these days, that is. It goes like this: I am what I look like and what other people think of what I look like. Its for that reason that I’m glad I’m not growing up in today’s world. I’m not sure how I would have handled it. ….

Families are busy. For most of us, this means we’re spending more and more time in our cars together. As easy as it is to turn on a movie or music and zone out, drive time is one of the few situations where you literally have a captive audience. We want to help you maximize…

Our Family  Make a family shield. Pass out copy or construction paper and markers and invite kids to draw a large shield. Divide it into sections and let kids draw interests and items associated with your family. Does your family love animals? enjoy sports? enjoy books? Love camping? (Optional idea for older kids is to…

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