Trending Today on Twitter – 3/16/18 1. #InfinityWar 2. Thanos 3. #FridayFeeling 4. #WorldSleepDay 5. #SignsYoureInHell 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. Peter Parker 8. Brandon Beane 9. Jeff Flake 10. David Whyte Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 3/16/18 1. Love Simon 2. Cleveland Cavaliers 3. George Peabody 4. Mueller 5. Bridge Collapse 6….

Have your kids ever hurt your feelings? I don’t mean their critique of your clothes, cooking, or stupid jokes. I mean the thing they say that just cuts to the quick. A couple of weeks ago, one of my boys said something and it hurt so much, it felt like the wind was knocked out…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#5785a5&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Dr. Chinwe Williams, a licensed professional counselor, shares ways to identify if your child is experiencing personal crisis on today’s episode of the Parent Cue Live podcast. This will be part one in a…

Just like it will happen all over the country, high school and middle students here in our area will be walking out in planned demonstrations today. . .four weeks after the horrible tragedy in Parkland, Florida. Our kids can and should be encouraged to thoughtfully and peacefully express their thoughts and beliefs on this pressing…

What I Really Need  While you are riding in the car, review the simple truth that we need Jesus to get to Heaven by filling in the blank, What I really need is __________. The first person will think of a situation where someone needs help and the other will guess what is needed. For…

  If you knew what was involved in parenting, would you still go back and choose to do it? I’ll be honest, most days I would say, “no.” I would say that I’m clearly not cut out for this. In fact, parenting isn’t in my strength-finder results. If I had a boss in this job,…

  One of the things I wrestled with when my kids were growing up was how to make the true story of Easter the most important part of Easter while participating in all the fun around us. I loved watching my kids dig through their baskets and run through the grass looking for hidden eggs….

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on Reuters.   Injuries to a critical ligament in the knee are becoming more common in children and teens, researchers warn.   Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) “are a significant public health issue” that put youngsters at risk for developing future health problems,…

  Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It’s a marathon of endurance to parent through each age and phase. Just a few decades ago I had the pleasure of being called “Mom” to four kids, ages six and under. I quickly learned that this parenting had questions that books or blogs couldn’t answer….

  Trending Today on Twitter – 3/9/18 1. #RIPBIG 2. #RuinMyDayIn5Days 3. #JobsReport 4. #ThingsNotToDoOnACruiseShip 5. #friyay 6. #313,000 in February 7. Justice Kennedy 8. Bruno Mars 9. Trump-Kim 10. The Notorious B.I.G. Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 3/9/18 1. Paralympics 2018 2. Nintendo Direct 3. A Wrinkle in Time 4. Golden…

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