Shepherding the hearts of our kids is one of those daily behaviors that does more to refine and challenge me than anything else in my life. In my interactions with my kids, God reveals more to me about my own humanity than I care to know. Particularly in disciplinary situations. One thing I’ve learned…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=false&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn Author, Catalyst Conference speaker, and host of the Parent Cue Live podcast, Carlos Whittaker, is joined by his wife, Heather, to talk about how to parent kids who have different personalities in today’s episode….

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay. About 15 percent of teenagers say they’ve shared a sexually explicit image or video of themselves over the internet or via phone messaging, researchers say. And nearly twice as many — about 27 percent — said they’ve received a “sext,” either from the…

So, a year and a half ago, I became what I call, a “Bonus Dad” . . . better known as, a “Step Dad”. I must say, I love it. It’s definitely not as hard as I thought it would be. Yet, it’s not as simple as it may seem to be either. You can’t…

Follow Me  Walk through the house and say to each person, “Come with me” (not telling them where you are going or what you are going to do). If they follow you, take them out for a treat (or play a fun game or do an activity they will enjoy). Ask: Are you glad you…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on MedicalXpress. Parents who allow their young children to occasionally sip and taste alcohol may be contributing to an increased risk for alcohol use and related problems when those kids reach late adolescence, according to a new study by a University at Buffalo psychologist. The findings…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on HealthDay.   Teenagers are impressionable when it comes to e-cigarettes, new research suggests.   Nearly four out of 10 U.S. teens who use e-cigarettes said seeing others vape led them to try the devices themselves, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers…

  The words “new parents” and “anxiety” seem to be synonymous. If you Google the phrase “parent anxiety,” you’ll see titles such as “49 Parent Fears And How To Ease Them” and “Top 10 Fears Of New Moms.” As a relatively new parent myself, I can tell you I feel anxious about something regarding my…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 2/23/18 1. #onUp 2. #BoycottNRA 3. #FridayMotivation 4. Yahoo 5. #CANvsGER 6. #SSAC18 7. #FAT2018 8. Mark Emmert 9. General Mills 10. Tommy John Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 2/23/18 1. Cleveland Cavaliers 2. Mirai Nagasu 3. net neutrality 4. National Margarita Day 5. Annihilation 6….

My guess is that in your house—like my house—there’s a constant tension between rules and relationships. Your nine-year-old is supposed to help wash the car, but instead decides that riding his bike is a far more important to the functioning of the universe than cleaning your dirty minivan. How do you respond? On the one…

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