As parents, we all want our kids to develop good habits. We hope they will do difficult things, learn perseverance and speak the truth. We have a list of a thousand things we hope for them, but how to we help them build those habits? What does that process look like? I think that instead…

Is it my age? My experience? Is it good old common sense? Or, is some combination of all three? I haven’t yet figured out where its coming from, but “it” is the way that I’m teetering very close to telling parents to buck the trend and love your kids by keeping the smartphone out of…

  What better way to start off a new year than with a Year in Review list. The best of the best all at once! Top 5 Blog Posts from 2017 1. 5 RULES WE GAVE OUR 13-YEAR-OLD WHEN SHE JOINED INSTAGRAM Read This 2. THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR KIDS IS LEAVE…

Splink 1:Make a promise to your kids, but make them wait for the fulfillment of it. (Tell them today and “fulfill” the promise on Saturday.) Ideas for promises: I will take you to get a toy from Dollar Tree. I will take you to get ice cream. I will allow you to stay up late…

  I grew up as a preacher’s kid.   My parents made a couple of things clear:   1. They wanted me to read the Bible. 2. They wanted me to memorize Scripture.   So they did what any sensible parents would do to develop those habits in me . . .   They paid…

  It’s that time of year. The stale leftover cookies are in the trash and I’m eyeing the tree, wishing it would pack up and walk itself to the basement. I’m ready to make a clean sweep of the holidays. Christmas is over.   This means a brand new year ahead and I’m thinking about…

Splink 1:  The Best Gift Don’t let the Christmas fun end! Purchase a small gift. (You may want to put a bag of treats that can be shared or a gift card to a favorite donut shop in the last box so everyone can share in the gift.) Collect several gift boxes (larger than the…

Trending Today on Twitter – 12/22/17 1. Dick Enberg 2. #LameLastMinuteStockingFillers 3. #NowThatIsVeryCheesy 4. #FlashbackFriday 5. #BandsInTheHospital 6. Trump of 2018 7. #friyay 8. Bartier Cardi 9. Fifty Shades of Orange 10. The Weekend Source: Twitter Trending Today on Google – 12/22/17 1. Blockchain 2. Papa Johns 3. Cardi B 4. Danny Masterson 5. Meghan…

  *The following is excerpted from an online article posted on CNN. A new study finds that teens who exhibit prosocial behavior — such as helping, comforting and sharing with strangers — have higher self-esteem a year later. No link was found between greater self-esteem and prosocial behavior solely toward friends and family. The findings…

It’s no secret that Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year. And the tension is that by this point, Christmas Eve, all the ‘how to avoid stress’ tips from the I’ve-got-everything-together-why-don’t-you people seem too little too late: Start your shopping early. (Some of you are reading this on your phone…

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