In light of the events in Charlottesville, many parents are reacting with uncertainty on how to talk about these disturbing and scary events with their kids. And while we want to address it, at the same time, we wish we could shelter them from ever witnessing anything so reminiscent of our dark and painful…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 8/18/17 1. #FlashbackFriday 2. Tina Fey 3. #AtlasV 4. #Defenders 5. #RejectedCollegeCourses 6. #fridayreads 7. Senior Catalan 8. Cambrils 9. 19th Amendement 10. Black Power Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 8/18/17 1. Tina Fey 2. Heather Heyer 3. General Pershing 4. The Hitman’s Bodyguard 5. Logan…

  Jeff Henderson, lead pastor of Atlanta-area Gwinnett Church joins us to talk about how parenting boys during the middle school years, ages 11-14, is critical to establishing a sense of self-worth and confidence. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=20608b&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | TuneIn   YOUR CUE…

  Ninth grade is a year of awakening. It’s like the moment when . . . Peter Parker discovers his amazing spider powers. Katniss Everdeen realizes her unique strength and talent. Batman takes Robin under his wing and trains him how to fight crime. Ninth grade is the year our kids truly begin to discover…

  As summer comes toward an end and the prospect of the school year looms close, I start to feel a whole host of emotions.   Gratitude for what summer has meant for our family and usually some let-down about what it didn’t mean.   Welcoming some more rhythm in our weeks but lamenting the…

  I’m doing my best.   I’m trying to care for my child the best I know how. Aren’t we all? I’m trying to raise him well, make informed decisions, love him to the very ends of my human limits.   And somehow it’s not enough. And too much. All at once.   The comments…

Splink 1: Give to God 1st Give each child a set amount of money (how much would depend on their ages) to manage each week. (Yes, we do some things because we live in the house, but giving children some money of their own will help them learn how to handle it.) To help teach…

  Trending Today on Twitter – 8/11/17 1. #GoogleDoodle 2. Locked and Loaded 3. #friyay 4. #YourDatingAnEgomaniacIf 5. #AngelVideo 6. #FlashbackFriday 7. Happy Birthday Hip Hop 8. Zeke 9. Pretty Ricky 10. No Man’s Sky Source: Twitter   Trending Today on Google – 8/11/17 1. Annabelle 2. Nikki Reed 3. PGA Championship 4. PGA Leaderboard…

If you’ve been following our blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed a few repeating themes. (And if you haven’t noticed, we’re not going to give you a quiz or anything. Take a deep breath . . . and keep reading!) Each month, we highlight one of five parenting principles that Parent…

  Tucker was a few weeks old, and it was my first night back to my part-time job as a writing teacher. I’m pretty sure I was teetering under the weight of everything I carried into my parents’ house: the car seat, the diaper bag, bottles, milk, binkies, blankets, burp cloths, a page of typed…

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