I’m a special-needs sibling. My sister Syble, who has Down syndrome, is just fourteen months older than I am. Growing up in her shadow had challenges and blessings. I’m also a special-needs mom. My younger son James was diagnosed with autism in 2010. Because of what I went through, I’m able to relate to my…

Doug and Cathy Fields Excerpted from Intentional Parenting, by Doug and Cathy Fields Have the words “Because I said so” ever come out of your mouth? This “quick fix” answer we sometimes give our kids when they ask “Why?” can ultimately undermine our authority as parents. “Because I said so” was never a satisfying answer when…

Sarah Bragg There’s been one thing that has become clear to me through having kids that is missing in my life (and the life of many other people I know). Sound sleep, money in the bank, and a leisure day at the pool are all missing from my life as a parent, but I’m not…

Written by Tony Bianco Summer is upon us, which means families’ schedules and activities look very different with camps, vacations, and more free time. During the school year, parents set expectations for students regarding screen time, and summer is no different. Now that summer is here, we want to give you seven ways your family…

Tim Walker Growing up, I had a hard time connecting with my dad. Different Interests As a kid, all I could see were the differences between us.I liked to read comic books.I loved to draw.I would play with action figures for hours.Or make spaceships out of boxes.I loved TV, and I would anxiously await the…

Most likely a fantastic husband will also be a fantastic father. And it’s important to realize it might not happen overnight. As we settled into parenting in our marriage, it gave us a lot of things for which to welcome—shall we say—good conversations. Joe would admit that initially, I (Cindi) was the one carrying the…

Sex and relationships are hot topics in youth work at the moment, and rightly so, when we see the mixed messages, confusing feelings and myriad questions that young people are dealing with every day. But for young people with additional needs, this topic is often one that is considered to be irrelevant for them, even…

Leah Jennings My toddler daughter, Arden, is very toddlery these days. And by toddlery, I mean I can’t help but look at the clock and wonder how in the world I’m supposed to make it to bedtime without us both collapsing in a puddle of tears. I’ve always been told the age of three is a…

Reggie Joiner This is going to sound strange, but I do wonder sometimes if God got it backwards when it comes to parenting. I’m not really questioning God’s wisdom, so don’t respond with a super-spiritual answer to correct my logic, just let me think out loud for a few minutes. Why did I start out…

I vividly recall the moment the doctor said my newborn had a genetic disorder. My husband literally rushed to my hospital bed, wrapped his strong arms around me, and told me everything would be fine. We didn’t know what we were getting into at that moment, but he was there holding me. He held my…

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