Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 The last month or so I have looked at so many graduates with their cap and gowns, dangling all their medals and cords they were awarded. I see various pictures with all their relatives. I watch as…

Ted Lowe As most dads do, I adore my three kids. But as most dads do, I second-guess how well I’m doing. From tidbits to full-blown philosophies, advice for dads is everywhere. Don’t be your child’s friend, be their dad.Time is flying by, enjoy every moment with your kids.Nothing is more important than your child’s…

Stephen Jones There’s a reason I know quality time trumps quantity time. When I was a kid, my grandfather would come to our house for dinner all the time. He used to say coming to our house was better than going to the movies. I have three siblings, all sisters, so I was the only…

You are not just a mom! Don’t let others intimidate you into questioning what you know is working or not working for your child. Trust yourself and keep moving forward. I have to admit that sometimes I outwardly went along with the therapist’s plans for my child (shhh, don’t tell her; she really was a…

Jon Acuff Being a teenager is not easy. There’s peer pressure like they’ve never experienced before. Suddenly, sitting at the right table at lunch is a big deal. You have to deal with mean girls. Cliques are rampant. Applying for college is always at a low-grade boil of anxiety. You might get cut from a…

Mike Tiemann I come from a family of campers. Tent campers, to be exact. I suppose it’s always been in my DNA, with parents who loved National Parks and toured us all around the great American West.  I can still vividly remember that cold, foggy campsite on the Sonoma coast, with our tent nestled on…

Sandra Stanley “How can you endure giving kids back after they’ve lived with you?” It’s a good question. It’s often asked. And the answer is, “It’s really hard.” At some point, all foster parents face the reality of packing up suitcases with accumulated clothes, toys, and mementos. They wonder if they should pack some favorite…

The New Normal: Parents, Teens, Screens, and Sleep in the United States It’s no secret that our phones keep us captivated. Parents don’t need research to tell them that smartphones and other mobile devices are both an essential tool and a frequent distraction. But just how far does that distraction extend into families’ daily lives?…

Esther Gray We all have high hopes for our future, especially for our kid’s future. We all want the “perfect” family and we even try to fake it to the world through social media. But the truth is, we are not perfect. Our lives are filled with imperfect moments. But even in the midst of…

Mike Tiemann As our kids grow from toddlers to kindergarteners to preteens and teens, a funny thing happens. Our focus shifts. We no longer worry so much about just keeping them alive. Instead, as they slowly but surely become more independent, we think about what kind of people they’ll become. Our hope is that our…

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