September 17, 2018 | Crystal Chiang | For almost a decade I was a high school Spanish teacher. Those were some of the best and hardest years of my life, and, if I’m honest, I still miss the excitement that comes with a new school year. There’s a lot of energy around setting kids up…

September 25, 2018 | Cindy Fiala |  Hi, we’re the Fialas—John and Cindy. We have three grown kids, six grand-littles, a great marriage that takes lots of work and intentionality, and we have the privilege to serve the church in significant ways. From the outside, when people meet us, there are some assumptions that are…

October 11, 2018 | Dr. Chinwé Williams |  No parent wants to learn that their child is a bully. In the journey of growing into who God made them to be, children (like adults) will need lots of do-overs!  But it’s important for parents to take bullying seriously. How often have we heard adults say,…

October 23, 2018 | Brooklyn Lindsey |  I wasn’t expecting her joy to make me question mine. Part of my job as a youth pastor has been to rally parents to embrace the development and growing independence of their children. Especially as they enter middle school. I remind them of how important it is to…

October 23, 2018 | Sherry Surratt | This isn’t news to anyone, but being a grandparent is a blast. With three grandkids, ages one to seven, I have legit reason to attend every Disney movie as soon as it comes out, hang out at candy stores and regularly peruse the toy aisle at Target. The…

October 16, 2018 | Steven Argue This fall, we sent our youngest daughter of three to college. You’d think I’d have this transition down by now.  I didn’t. I cried like a baby. At the most unexpected times. Over obscure memories. Parenting is not for the weak. It’s courageous. Gut wrenching. Beautiful. Death-defying. Life-giving. As…

I read the title of the message, Let Hope Arise, on the large screen in the front of the church. “Hope, I got this,” I thought. After the speaker began, I realized I didn’t have hope, at least not in every area. I regretfully admit that I felt odd as we repeated the speaker who…

…That Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the…

Let’s talk movies for a change shall we? No, I don’t mean what you streamed last online or what is playing at your local movieplex. I’m referring to a very specific genre of film, and one that has very special and unique meaning for me: the Jesus movie. If you are a Christian you have…

 | Jenna Scott | My kids and I spent a month this summer living with their grandparents. There were cousins to play with, a new puppy, cable and On Demand, and a gorgeous pool out back. Popsicles appeared every 30 minutes and fruit snacks abounded. My children were living the high life and they knew it….

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