Posted by Sarah Anderson (This is part 2 in our 4 part series, Making The Most Of Your Family’s Daily Rhythm. Click here to read part 1 – Morning Time) My parents live in northern Virginia. We live in Georgia. So when it comes to visiting my family, we’ve spent a lot of time in the car. Two years…

Do you have those classic questions that people have been asking you over and over again since your unique parenting journey began? You know the ones I mean. That same thing or two you’ve heard people inquire year after year after year? I know that I have heard one relentless question since the day my…

We were on vacation and my mom and I decided to go out shopping. It was a drizzly day and not very conducive to lounging on the beach, so we hit up the local shops. Browsing around one boutique, we heard what we thought was the air conditioning kick in. And then we looked out…

Southeast Raleigh Handout- 2018

Posted by Geoff Surratt Father’s Day always reminds me of my first day as a father. It was a crisp fall; the leaves were turning a heavenly gold as the squirrels gathered the last nuts before winter. Finally, the anticipation was over, and this would be the day I would become a dad. After a brief…

It was about 3:00 in the afternoon and the school bus had just arrived. I ran outside in my sandals, without a jacket. After all, it’s spring. The only reason I didn’t run back inside after stepping out the door was the fact that the school bus driver had seen me and opened the door….

This life of a special needs mom is full of what ifs. Early on with our girlie, the what ifs included “What if she dies?” “What if we can’t care for her?” “What if she ends up in the hospital?” “What if we can’t stop the seizures?” “What if we can’t feed her?” And now…

Remember when I sang that stinkin’ Hillsong United Oceans song about trust without borders, blah, blah, blah? Ugh. I’m telling you right now, think twice before singing these things. God takes this very seriously. My borders were expanded into the deep waters again this week. No, I didn’t get to share the love of Jesus beachside where…

There are a lot of things I’m confident about. I’m confident that my 3-month-old hates sleep. I’m confident that my kitchen will remain a mess until the year 2050. I’m confident that I’ll never ever like sushi. And I’m confident that I will always choose the slowest line when checking out at the grocery store….

How is your faith today? It seems an odd question but I think a fair one to ask, especially since I believe we all have days of stronger and weaker faith in our lives. Maybe try this one, what kind of faith do you have right now, is it Sustaining Faith, or Mustard Seed Faith?…

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